How to Enroll in Courses

If your employer, physician, or health plan offers Launch My Health courses to you at no charge - please visit their site to enroll in additional courses. Alternatively, you can visit to purchase a course.

Why people love Launch!


Loved the Restore Program!

Julie- Restore Gut Health

"I had never done a detox program before this. I have made so many positive changes in my lifestyle. I shop differently, focusing on reading labels and buying organic. I eat differently, avoiding soy, dairy and gluten because they change how my body feels."

Lost 12 pounds and have more energy!

Craig- Putting out the Flame

“I did the Putting out the Flame Program because my wife suggested that it may help me feel better, honestly I didn't want to do it and was skeptical at the beginning.Initially it was a challenge to alter my eating habits and choices. Cutting out certain things really affected me. But now I can't believe how much it has helped me get on a better path and improve my health. I figured out several food sensitivities that I had, gluten being the main one. Over the course of the program it all got easier. My labs have improved, I am sleeping better and no more sleep apnea, lost 12 pounds and have more energy. This program is a must for anyone struggling to find out why they can't feel better I have learned a lot about health and nutrition. Everyone at Launch My Health couldn't be more helpful and excited to reach healthy choices and habits.

Love Home Chef Pro Course


This is a wonderful video program to help us with many challenges to improve our lifestyle. Love it definitely recommended to watch.

Who Knew!

Veronica - Home Chef Pro

I've been cooking my whole life, but I still learned something in every lesson. The technique for coring peppers! Why we salt proteins and let them rest! That we want height when plating! Good stuff. Thank you!

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